Apr 19 | Chapel + Chat: Families of Prospective Preschool 2’s – Kindergarten Students

Families of prospective Preschool 2s – Kindergarten Students are invited to join us for Chapel + Chat with St. Benedict’s Episcopal School on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, starting at 9:15 am

Chapel + Chat is the perfect opportunity for families to attend chapel service, meet teachers, hear from parents of current and rising Preschool 2s – Kindergarten students, tour our classrooms, and learn more about our curriculum.

For Preschool – Kindergarten, we believe in the sanctity of childhood and the value of play. When you visit one of our classrooms, you may see, at first glance, blocks strewn across the floor, paint-smeared hands, a drum circle, laughter, and singing – if you look closely, you will see children engaged in learning through experiential activities in a safe environment where they are cared for, nurtured, and respected. Once students enter Kindergarten, our learning outcomes exceed national standards, and our curriculum is developmentally appropriate and engaging. Classroom instruction is complemented by STEAM integration, Spanish, weekly participation in art, music, drama, library, Chapel, sacred stories, and physical education. Click here to register today.