Looking for fun and engaging ideas for teaching fractions in your 2nd-grade classroom? This post includes tons of ideas for fraction activities for your 2nd-grade classroom!
We came back from Winter Break ready for a new unit in math. After literal months of double-digit addition and subtraction, we (me and my students!) were ready for some new math content. Now, who in their life has ever been excited to learn about fractions? Let me say… we were! My students literally cheered when I pulled out our vocabulary cards for our new unit! LOL! So, today I’m sharing all our fun fraction activities with you! Who knows? Maybe your class will cheer too? LOL!

Fraction Activities for 2nd Grade
We introduced our fraction unit with the basics- key vocabulary!

These vocabulary posters were the anchor for every lesson in our fraction unit!
Before each lesson, I would pull them out and discuss each vocabulary word, starting with fraction, then partition, numerator and denominator.
Teacher Tip!
It is normal for children to struggle with knowing the difference between the numerator and demoninator. Reviewing the key terms each day before our lessons helps to refresh our understanding. Also, I say the demoninator is in charge of the fraction (the numbner of pieces in the whole)… because it dominates! This really does help!
Fraction or Not a Fraction?
After discussing the key terms, it’s time to understand what makes a fraction an actual fraction! We discussed how when partitioning shapes, the pieces need to be equal.

I like to relate it to a cookie cake. I draw a circle on the board and cut it into pieces by drawing lines. Then, we discuss how each section is a piece. No one wants the small piece of the cookie cake, while others have a large piece!
Then, we practiced this skill by sorting partitioned shapes into our “Fraction/Not a Fraction” pocketbook.
Naming Fraction Parts
The next day, it was time to discuss the fraction parts. Before beginning the lesson, we reviewed the key vocabulary posters (EVERY TIME, FOLKS! EVERY TIME!)
Then I made a circle on the whiteboard. I worked on partitioning the circle into two equal parts and discussed how each part is called a half. Then, I did the same for thirds and fourths.
To practice, we played a sorting game as a class.

On the carpet, I laid down the fraction name cards. Then, I passed out the fraction pieces. Each student worked on sorting the cards in the correct spot. As a class, we decided if the placement was correct with a thumb up or down. If it wasn’t, another student was chosen to “coach” the other student.
After finishing the game, I placed it in our math center tubs!
For practice, students worked on this simple cut-and-paste.

Parts of a Whole
Then, it was time for us to learn about the different fraction pieces! So, I took to the whiteboard again to introduce the idea of partitioning and shading parts to show parts of a whole. We started off slow with 1/2 and 1/3… then ramped up the practice with 2/3 and 3/4.
To practice, we made some notes in our Math Journals and took to complete a Fraction Read the Room. The kids LOVE these; it gets us out of our seats and moving around!

Easy Fraction Review with I Have… Who Has…
To review our fractions at the end of the week, we played a quick game of “I Have… Who Has…” Fraction addition. This was our first time playing this fun game! We played again to see if we could “beat” our previous time playing.
Teacher Tip!
Love playing “I Have Who Has…” but struggle when students don’t know when it’s their turn? Number your cards! That way, you can see who’s the next player without wasting those precious few minutes.

Hands-on Fraction Ideas for 2nd Grade
So there’s a peek at our fraction units! We made sure to do lots of hands on fraction practice and played lots of games! In the end, my students ACED their math test! That never happens!
Looking to add these fraction activities to your classroom? Be sure to check out the full Fraction Activities Unit!

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