Immunizations offered at Tippecanoe Health Department on Wednesday

LAFAYETTE, Ind. − To help boost vaccination rates for school-required immunizations, the Tippecanoe County Health Department, MDwise and Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette Nursing Program are joining forces to offer routine childhood vaccines at the health department this Wednesday.

A release about the event states, “Statewide, 26.3% of K-12 students still need to get all required shots for school, according to the Indiana Department of Health. When the federal COVID-19 public health emergency ends, many Hoosiers could lose their Medicaid benefits if they don’t take action.”

The release states that, to help with both issues, a “Back on Track Health Education Fair” will be held from 3-7 p.m. Wednesday at the Tippecanoe County Health Department, 1950 S. 18th St., in Lafayette.

The team of nurses who worked at the March 30, 2022 Back on Track Health Education Fair at Ivy Tech.

The team of nurses who worked at the March 30, 2022 Back on Track Health Education Fair at Ivy Tech.

Routine childhood vaccines, such as measles/mumps/rubella, polio and HPV, will be available as well as the COVID-19 vaccine for everyone six months and older.

“During the federal public health emergency, no one lost their Medicaid coverage,” the release stated. “When it ends, many Hoosiers could lose their benefits. Taking action now could help them stay covered. Navigators will be on hand at the event to help individuals log on to and manage their benefits.”

Attendees to the fair will receive school supplies, a chance to win door prizes of $50 gift cards from MDwise and access to the following, verbatim:

  • Free dinner from The Guac Box food truck and MDwise

  • Free groceries from food finders

  • Assistance from Indiana Legal Services

  • Vision screenings from the Lion’s Club

Anyone wanting to learn more about transportation to the event can contact MDwise customer service at 800-356-1204. More information can be found at

Children must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older with valid identification, such as a driver’s license, identification card or passport. According to the release, insurance is not required for qualified children to get their shots, but organizers will ask if attendees have health insurance.

“Yes, it’s free to attend and get immunizations, though we will ask if the people who get the shots have insurance,” Jen Thomas, president of JTPR public relations firm, said. “It’s definitely not necessary though, and if they don’t have insurance, we’ll have someone there to help them. Every child gets school supplies, every family that wants it gets a box of groceries to take home too.

“…WorkOne is going to be there with employment and training info.”

Margaret Christopherson is a reporter for the Journal & Courier. Email her at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @MargaretJC2.

This article originally appeared on Lafayette Journal & Courier: Routine childhood vaccines will be offered at the health department