Kindergarten | Programs | Calgary Board of Education

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Great Learning Starts Here

Kindergarten is the start of an exciting adventure for your child. CBE schools are open to all children and are committed to welcoming every student into a safe, caring and inclusive environment.

Most kindergarten programs are half-day, offered in either the morning or afternoon, with hours of operation varying from school to school.

If you are looking to register your child in a CBE school, you will find everything you need to get started below.​ You can also check out the links on the right for some great kindergarten resources.​​​

Register for Kindergarten

Kindergarten registration for the 2023-24​ school year will begin on Jan. 16, 2023. Please review the information on our Registration page to register for kindergarten and follow the instructions.

​Registration Guide​e

Our guide will assist you in ensuring you are prepared for every part of school registration.​​

View Guide​​

When Can My Child Begin Kindergarten?

Children must be at least five years old as of December 31 to start kindergarten in the fall of that calendar year. This means that a four-year old child may start kindergarten if they will turn five on or before December 31 of that calendar year.​

Alberta Curriculum and Education​

All CBE programming is based on curriculum determined by Alberta Education and follows provincially mandated instructional hours.​​

Additional Supports

Based on need, teachers may access a number of professionals to support your child’s success in learning. These supports include:

  • Early Learning Strategist
  • Speech-language pathologists (SLP)
  • Occupational and physical therapists (OT/PT)
  • Education assistants (EA)
  • Early childhood practitioners (ECP)
  • School family liaison (SFL)
  • psychologist

Support Your Child

As your child’s first and most important teacher, parents play a critical role in their education. You can support your child at home by talking about the school day, what they have learned, and showing their work. You might also consider volunteering in the classroom or becoming a member of the school council. There are many ways to become involved!​

Full-Day Kindergarten

Most CBE schools offer half-day or alternating full-day kindergarten programs; however full-day kindergarten programs are offered in a few schools where data identifies children who would most benefit from additional time spent in a kindergarten program. The data used to determine full-day kindergarten schools is updated every year. This means that schools that offer full-day kindergarten may change on an annual basis.​​

For the 2022-23 school year​, the following schools offer full-day kindergarten:

  • Banting and Best
  • Catherine Nichols Gunn
  • Colonel J Fred Scott
  • Douglas Harnesses
  • Falconridge
  • James Short Memorial
  • Keeler
  • Marlborough

  • Niitsitapi Learning Centre
  • Patrick Airlie
  • Penbrooke Meadows
  • Piitoayis Family School
  • Radisson Park
  • ValleyView*
  • Vista Heights
  • West Dover​

*Community program only.​

Niitsitapi Learning Center Kindergarten

Programming at the Niitsitapi Learning Center provides early intervention through a holistic, strength-based, early learning environment. Students build a strong academic foundation in a learning environment that reflects and nurtures their Indigenous identity. Visit the Niitsitapi Learning Center website for more information.​​

Kindergarten | Come Learn With Us

Kindergarten boys