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Loyalist College is assisting high school students to overcome barriers and access higher education with the “School Within A College” (SWAC) program.
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The SWAC program provides students who face the challenges of graduating high school with the transformative opportunity to learn in a dynamic post-secondary environment as they work toward earning high school and college credits simultaneously.
This Winter 2023 semester, Loyalists welcomed 17 students on campus to practice their skills, explore career pathways and pursue a brighter future.
“Loyalist College is committed to expanding access to education in the Bay of Quinte and beyond,” said Mark Kirkpatrick, president and CEO.
“By remaining attuned and responsive to the needs of our community, our exceptional faculty and staff continue to create new pathways to post-secondary education, such as the SWAC program. As Ontario’s Destination College, we are singularly focused on ensuring all learners are successful in their post-secondary journeys and achieve their career goals.”
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Supported by the combined efforts of secondary school teachers and College instructors, SWAC offers a variety of Dual Credit course options in fields such as automotive, culinary, construction, aesthetics, welding and more.
“We know many high school students achieve better outcomes by learning outside of a conventional secondary school setting,” said Sean Monteith, senior vice-president, Academic.
“Instead of requiring students to conform to a traditional structure, this program meets students where they’re at and sets them on the post-secondary trajectory they deserve. Loyalist College is proud to host students from a range of local school boards to help expand their horizons and discover career possibilities.”
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“I’ve really enjoyed my experience at Loyalist, especially the flexible schedule and the welcoming environment,” said Demona Boyer, a student in the Wellness and Early Childhood Education Dual Credit programs. “The professors treat us like college students and provide us with daily support.”
“As I complete my credits, I’m also getting volunteer experience touring Grade 9 and 10 students around the college to show them a slice of life as a Loyalist student,” said Brice Hass, a student in the Early Childhood Education Dual Credit program .
Loyalist offers Dual Credit programming to students from Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board; Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board; Durham Catholic District School Board; Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board; Limestone District School Board; and Peterborough Victoria Northumberland & Clarington Catholic District School Board.
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