Quesnel kids get spotlight for trades education

Quesnel trades students Kayden and Allison were featured by the College of New Caledonia in an online profile of high schoolers transitioning to industrial college programs.  (College of New Caledonia photo)

Quesnel trades students Kayden and Allison were featured by the College of New Caledonia in an online profile of high schoolers transitioning to industrial college programs. (College of New Caledonia photo)

Quesnel kids get spotlight for trades education

CNC introduced Kayden and Allison to show off an innovative industrial education program

The College of New Caledonia shone a spotlight on two Quesnel students, Kayden and Allison, talking about their industrial education profile that bridges from high school to college.

The profile is featured on the CNC News webpage.

“This student and faculty profile series shares various stories of success,” said a statement by CNC. “Kayden and Allison are part of Quesnel’s Trades Awareness Program (TAP). The program, in partnership with School District 28 and UA Piping Industry College of BC (UAPICBC) allows students to earn high school credits while exploring different trades.”

Post-secondary EducationQuesnelskilled trades

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